Computer Cluster Python Software

Mandus mandus at
Mon Jun 6 10:55:05 EDT 2005

6 Jun 2005 07:22:54 -0700 skrev uli:
> Is there any open source Python software (preferably biopython) written
> which runs on a cluster.  Alternatively are there interfaces written in
> Python to existing cluster software.

Can you be more specific? There are for example several MPI interfaces
(pyMPI, pypar, ScientificPython.MPI). With pyMPI, you can run python
interactively on a cluster if you want. 

But you are probably looking for something else?

btw, soon there will be PyFDM ( which will make it possible
to do FDM on a cluster (or any parallel computer) with little effort.

Mandus - the only mandus around.

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