Help with SMTP

Mike Meyer mwm at
Wed Jun 8 18:53:39 EDT 2005

"Ivan Shevanski" <darkpaladin79 at> writes:

> Ok, all my problems are solved except for one. . .If I want my program
> to send a message back to me do I need the from adress? Because I
> don't specifically know it for the person using the program.  Any help
> is appreciated =D

You need a from address for the SMTP transaction. You really should
have a From: field in the message headers as well, but the message may
work without that.

In one sense, the message is "from" you, as it's being sent by your
script. I'd be tempted to cons up a maildrop for the script, alias it
to point at your mailbox, and then use that as the "From" address for
the mail you're sending.

You could ask the user to input an email address and use that as the
>From address. Unless you plan on getting back to them via email, I
wouldn't bother.

Mike Meyer <mwm at>
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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