Iterate through a list calling functions

David Pratt fairwinds at
Sun Jun 5 12:32:05 EDT 2005

Hi.  I am creating methods for form validation. Each validator has its 
own method and there quite a number of these.  For each field, I want 
to evaluate errors using one or more  validators so I want to execute 
the appropriate validator methods from those available.  I am iterating 
over each validator using validateField method to gather my results. It 
works but it ugly and inefficient.  Can someone advise whether there is 
a better way of doing this.  I realize that the validator variable in 
my iteration is only a string so question is how can I make the 
validator string reference a function so I may be able to shorten 
validateField to something similar to this (instead of my long list of 
ifs which I am not very happy with):

	for validator in validators_list:
		result = validator(name, value)
		if type (result) in StringTypes:
		results[name] = result

Many thanks

My current situation below:

# A large list of validators
def isDecimal(name, value):
	""" Test whether numeric value is a decimal """
	result = validateRegex(name,
		errmsg='is not a decimal number.',
	return result

def isZipCode(name, value):
	""" Tests if field value is a US Zip Code """
	result = validateRegex(name,
		errmsg='is not a valid zip code.',
	return result

... more validators

# Iterating over validators to gather field errors
def validateField(name, value, validators_list, range=None, 
	""" Validates field input """
	for validator in validators_list:
		if validator == 'isContainedIn':
			result = isContainedIn(name, value)
			if type (result) in StringTypes:
		if validator == 'isDate':
			result = isDate(name, value)
			if type (result) in StringTypes:
		if validator == 'isDecimal':
			result = isDecimal(name, value)
			if type (result) in StringTypes:

                  more validators ...

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