COM problem .py versus .exe

Greg Miller greg_miller at
Wed Jun 29 12:47:06 EDT 2005

I tried the code snippet using win32api.GetFileVersionInfo(), what I
get now is the following when running on the executable machine:

. . . FileFlagsMask => 63
FileType => 2
FileVersionMS => 65536
FileVersionLS => 1
Signature => -17890115
FileSubtype => 0
FileFlags => 0
ProductVersionLS => 1
FileDate => None
ProductVersionMS => 65536
FileOS => 4
StrucVersion => 65536

when I used the code on the desktop the return value was a
string "1, 0, 0, 1".
I then parsed through it substituting and removing spaces to come up
with a version string of "".  Do those values correspond to the
FileVersionLS, FileSubtype, FileFlags, and ProductVersionLS in the
above output?  I can't find too much on the 'net about these output

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