OO refactoring trial ??

Chinook chinook.nr at tds.net
Tue Jun 28 22:36:48 EDT 2005


Going back over various material led to another question regarding your 

> - I'm not keen on the coupling of forcing your A,B,etc. classes to
> inherit from MF.  Especially in a duck-typing language like Python, it
> adds no value, the subclasses receive no default behavior from their
> superclass, and I'm not keen on using the inheritance hierarchy to
> register test classes.

The latter (__subclasses__() bit) I picked up on as a convenience (courtesy 
of a suggestion by STeVe) and I understand your point about more explicit 
ordering.  However, the former seems to take issue with examples like:


or indirectly as a show stopper (using inheritance) as in:


which is more in line with your comments.  

Anything more to this than individual preferences?  Might it not be more 
explicit at least?  Anyone?  


Lee C

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