Proposal: reducing self.x=x; self.y=y; self.z=z boilerplate code

Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve rwgk at
Sat Jul 2 06:04:09 EDT 2005

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Hi fellow Python coders,

I often find myself writing::

    class grouping:

        def __init__(self, x, y, z):
            self.x = x
            self.y = y
            self.z = z
            # real code, finally

This becomes a serious nuisance in complex applications with long
argument lists, especially if long variable names are essential for
managing the complexity. Therefore I propose that Python includes
built-in support for reducing the ``self.x=x`` clutter. Below are
arguments for the following approach (*please* don't get too agitated
about the syntax right here, it really is a secondary consideration)::

    class grouping:

        def __init__(self, .x, .y, .z):
            # real code right here

Emulation using existing syntax::

        def __init__(self, x, y, z):
            self.x = x
            del x
            self.y = y
            del y
            self.z = z
            del z

Is it really that important?

For applications of non-trivial size, yes. Here is a real-world example
(one of many in that source tree):

Fragment from this file::

    class manager:

      def __init__(self,
        self.crystal_symmetry = crystal_symmetry
        self.model_indices = model_indices
        self.conformer_indices = conformer_indices
        self.site_symmetry_table = site_symmetry_table
        self.bond_params_table = bond_params_table
        self.shell_sym_tables = shell_sym_tables
        self.nonbonded_params = nonbonded_params
        self.nonbonded_types = nonbonded_types
        self.nonbonded_function = nonbonded_function
        self.nonbonded_distance_cutoff = nonbonded_distance_cutoff
        self.nonbonded_buffer = nonbonded_buffer
        self.angle_proxies = angle_proxies
        self.dihedral_proxies = dihedral_proxies
        self.chirality_proxies = chirality_proxies
        self.planarity_proxies = planarity_proxies
        self.plain_pairs_radius = plain_pairs_radius
        # real code, finally

Not exactly what you want to see in a high-level language.

Is there a way out with Python as-is?

Yes. If you take the time to look at the file in the CVS you'll find
that I was cheating a bit. To reduce the terrible clutter above, I am
actually using a simple trick::

    adopt_init_args(self, locals())

For completeness, the implementation of ``adopt_init_args()`` is here:

While this obviously goes a long way, it has several disadvantages:

  - The solution doesn't come with Python -> everybody has to reinvent.

  - People are reluctant to use the trick since scripts become
    dependent on a non-standard feature.

  - It is difficult to remember which ``import`` to use for
    ``adopt_init_args`` (since everybody has a local version/variety).

  - The ``adopt_init_args(self, locals())`` incantation is hard to
    remember and difficult to explain to new-comers.

  - Inside the ``__init__()`` method, the same object has two names,
    e.g. ``x`` and ``self.x``. This lead to subtle bugs a few times
    when I accidentally assigned to ``x`` instead of ``self.x`` or vice
    versa in the wrong place (the bugs are typically introduced while

  - In some cases the ``adopt_init_args()`` overhead was found to
    introduce a significant performance penalty (in particular the
    enhanced version discussed below).

  - Remember where Python comes from: it goes back to a teaching
    language, enabling mere mortals to embrace programming.
    ``adopt_init_args(self, locals())`` definitely doesn't live up
    to this heritage.

Minimal proposal

My minimal proposal is to add an enhanced version of ``adopt_init_args()``
as a standard Python built-in function (actual name secondary!)::

    class grouping:

        def __init__(self, x, y, z):
            # real code

Here is a reference implementation:

Implementation of this proposal would remove all the disadvantages
listed above. However, there is another problem not mentioned before:
It is cumbersome to disable adoption of selected variables. E.g.::

    class grouping:

        def __init__(self, keep_this, and_this, but_not_this, but_this_again):
            self.keep_this = keep_this
            self.and_this = and_this
            self.but_this_again = but_this_again
            # real code, finally

would translate into::

    class grouping:

        def __init__(self, keep_this, and_this, but_not_this, but_this_again):
            # real code

Enhanced syntax proposal

The exclusion problem suggests these alternatives::

  class grouping:

      def __init__(self, self.keep_this, self.and_this, but_not_this,
          # real code right here

This is conceptually similar to the existing automatic unpacking of tuples.

A shorter alternative (my personal favorite since minimally redundant)::

  class grouping:

      def __init__(self, .keep_this, .and_this, but_not_this, .but_this_again):
          # real code right here

I guess both versions could be implemented such that users don't incur
a performance penalty compared to the ``self.x=x`` alternative. At the
danger of being overly optimistic: I can imagine that my favorite
alternative will actually be faster (and the fastest).

Enhanced __slot__ semantics proposal

When ``__slots__`` are used (cool feature!) the boilerplate problem
becomes even worse::

  class grouping:

      __slots__ = ["keep_this", "and_this", "but_this_again"]

      def __init__(self, keep_this, and_this, but_not_this, but_this_again):
          self.keep_this = keep_this
          self.and_this = and_this
          self.but_this_again = but_this_again
          # real code, finally

Each variable name appears four times! Imagine yourself having to
do this exercise given the real-world example above. Ouch.

Based on the "Enhanced syntax proposal" above I see this potential

  class grouping:

      __slots__ = True

      def __init__(self, .keep_this, .and_this, but_not_this, .but_this_again):
          # real code right here

Each variable name appears only once. Phew!

Author: rwgk at, July 02, 2005

P.S.: If you reply to this message, please clearly separate
naming/syntax issues from the core issue of providing built-in support
designed to reduce clutter.

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