exec method WMI

future_retro at yahoo.co.uk future_retro at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Jul 13 12:45:48 EDT 2005

Hi, I'm trying to use the AddPrinterDriver method of
Win32_PrinterDriver to create a new..... print driver.  I can't get my
head round how I need to do this.  So far I have

import win32com.client
+ "." + r"\root\cimv2")
drv = WBEM.Get("Win32_PrinterDriver").SpawnInstance_()
drv.Properties_('Name').Value = "Marcs Printer 2550"
drv.Properties_('SupportedPlatform').Value = "Windows NT x86"
drv.Properties_('Version').Value = "3"
drv.Properties_('DriverPath').Value = 'C:\\test\\HPZPP034.DLL'
drv.Properties_('InfName').Value = 'C:\\test\\hpc2550d.inf'
method = drv.Methods_('AddPrinterDriver')
InParms = method.InParameters
InParms.Properties_.Item('DriverInfo').Value = drv

I'm using spawninstance to create a new object and then editing the
properties of it.  I'm then setting the InParameters for the method to
be the new object.  When executing the method I get SWbemObjectEx
object not found.

I think I am not setting the DriverInfo correctly, should it be an
object?  The MSDN site doesn't say what DriverInfo should be.

Any help would be grand.

Thanks, MW.

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