Question about basic use of a timer object from timeit module to execute code every so often in a class

42zeros at 42zeros at
Fri Jul 15 07:27:45 EDT 2005

I would like a function to be executed every x often.
I was just wondering how to pass the following code correctly.  my
object t just doesn't know what checkMail is.  How can I tell it that
checkMail is a member of the class MyApp?

thanks in advance,
code is below

class MyApp(wx.App):
    def OnInit(self):

        frame = wxMainFrame(None, "thing")
	icon = wx.Icon('foo.bmp', wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)

        t = timeit.Timer("checkMail()","30.0")

	return True

    def checkMail():
        print "The number of messages is"

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