map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientific mini-survey

Ron Adam rrr at
Wed Jul 6 20:56:56 EDT 2005

Benji York wrote:
> Ron Adam wrote:
>> "if extraargs:"  would evaluate to "if None:", which would evaluate to 
>> "if:" which would give you an error.
> In what way is "if None:" equivalent to "if:"?
> -- 
> Benji York

It's not now.. but if None where to really represent the concept None, 
as in not bound to anything, it would evaluate to nothing.

Given the statement:

a = None

And the following are all true:

  a == None
(a) == (None)
(a) == ()
(None) == ()

Then this "conceptual" comparison should also be true:

if (None):  ==  if ():
if (): == if:

Comparing if's like that wouldn't be a valid code of course, but it 
demonstrates the consistency in which the comparison is made.

I think. ;-)

Of course this is all hypothetical anyways, so it could be what ever we 
decide makes the most since, include not changing anything.


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