Filtering out non-readable characters

Adriaan Renting renting at
Fri Jul 29 05:42:25 EDT 2005

def StripNoPrint(self, S):
        from string import printable
        return "".join([ ch for ch in S if ch in printable ])

Adriaan Renting        | Email: renting at
ASTRON                 | Phone: +31 521 595 217
P.O. Box 2             | GSM:   +31 6 24 25 17 28
NL-7990 AA Dwingeloo   | FAX:   +31 521 597 332
The Netherlands        | Web:
>>> "MKoool" <mohan at> 07/16/05 2:33 AM >>>
I have a file with binary and ascii characters in it.  I massage the
data and convert it to a more readable format, however it still comes
up with some binary characters mixed in.  I'd like to write something
to just replace all non-printable characters with '' (I want to delete
non-printable characters).

I am having trouble figuring out an easy python way to do this... is
the easiest way to just write some regular expression that does
something like replace [^\p] with ''?

Or is it better to go through every character and do ord(character),
check the ascii values?

What's the easiest way to do something like this?



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