Changing size of Win2k/XP console?

Peter Hansen peter at
Thu Jul 14 16:18:52 EDT 2005

Sheeps United wrote:
> Hi, I'm quite a newbie but I've managed to google around before asking 
> stupid Q's here.
> I'm wrestling with little (amateurish) console program and I would like 
> change its size. I also know that it could be done with Windows API call. I 
> tried doing that myself but no good.
> Could anyone help me?

Which Windows API call did you try using?  Can you show us a line or two 
of code that you tried?  Most likely then someone will be able to point 
out what went wrong and it will work.  (Chances are that very few here 
know the API call required, so by not mentioning it you're severely 
limiting the number of answers you are likely to get.)


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