GUI - Windows: Where to get started

Peter Decker pydecker at
Tue Jul 26 17:28:12 EDT 2005

On 26 Jul 2005 12:44:13 -0700, Ernesto <erniedude at> wrote:

> Would anyone know a good place to start for learning how to build
> simple GUI's in Windows XP?  I just want users to be able to select a
> few parameters from a pull-down menu, then be able to run some batch
> files using the parameters from the pull down menus.  I would also need
> a "Browse" menu, so users could point to a place on the local disc (ie
> C:\PointSystemHere).  Can anyone give a noob some tips?  THANKS!!!

wxPython is (IMO) the best-looking and most flexible UI toolkit out
there, but the code can be fairly un-Pythonic. I've started using
Dabo, which includes a wrapper around wxPython that makes UI coding
clean and very Pythonic. While Dabo is an entrie application
framework, you can just use the UI stuff if you want.

There is also a Windows runtime that will install Python, wxPython,
Dabo, and everything else you need to create and run Dabo apps. No
need to hassle with multiple installs just to try it out.

You can get Dabo at 


# p.d.

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