bsddb environment lock failure

Barry barrynyc at
Sun Jul 10 00:55:14 EDT 2005

I have python2.4.1 installed on two machines:
-- one is Fedora core 1, where the bsddb module works fine 
-- one is Redhat ES 3.0, and I installed mysql 4.1 (and
mysql-python2.1) after putting the newer python on the machine.

python2.2, which came with Redhat ES, works fine, so I suppose I
messed up the build.

I much appreciate any insight in how to fix this. 


Here are some details:

When trying to open (or create) a db, I get this error

  File "/opt/Python-2.4.1/Lib/bsddb/", line 285, in hashopen
    e = _openDBEnv()
  File "/opt/Python-2.4.1/Lib/bsddb/", line 339, in _openDBEnv'.', db.DB_PRIVATE | db.DB_CREATE | db.DB_THREAD | db.DB_INIT_LOCK | 
bsddb._db.DBError: (38, 'Function not implemented -- process-private: unable to 
initialize environment lock: Function not implemented')

I tried rebuilding python2.4.1, but 'make test' shows bsddb errors.

 First, there is:

test_bsddb3 skipped -- Use of the `bsddb' resource not enabled

test_whichdb shows the environment lock error

At the end, it's anydbm, bsddb, shelve, and whichdb failed.

I don't which of the differences in setup are important here, but both
python.2.4.1 are installed in /opt

both have libdb-4.1, although slightly different:

The Fedora machine has libdb from db4-4.1.25-14.rpm
The Redhat, from db4-4.1.25-8.1 -- this one also has

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