Windows command line problem

MarkE mark.english at
Tue Jul 19 03:58:34 EDT 2005

I'm using getopt. I doubt getopt recognises \x96 as a command line
parameter prefix. I suppose I could iterate over sys.argv doing a
replace but that seems messy. I'd rather understand the problem.

That said, and me not understanding code pages that much, I chcp'd the
machines it works on both coming back with 850, chcp'd the machine it
wasn't working on which also came back with 850, but then again the
machine where it wasn't working now works. So now it's an intermittent
bug. Great. I'll try messing with code pages later and report back if I
get anywhere.

I need more coffee before I can do anything remotely clever. Damn you
windows and your lack of a need for coffee

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