Tkinter Button widget

William Park opengeometry at
Thu Jul 14 16:31:55 EDT 2005

Peter Otten <__peter__ at> wrote:
> Shankar Iyer (siyer at Princeton.EDU) wrote:
> >      I have another Tkinter-related question.  At the beginning of my
> >      program, a tkinter window is created with six buttons.  Each of these
> >      buttons is assigned a function that should be executed only when the
> >      button is pressed.  However, it seems that these functions are all
> >      executed once when the button widgets are first created.  Why is this
> >      the case and how do I prevent this from happening?
> Change your source code from 
> # wrong
> button = Tkinter.Button(..., command=some_function(),...)
> to
> # correct
> button = Tkinter.Button(..., command=some_function,...)
> to pass the *function* to the widget instead of the *result* of a
> function call. And, next time, remember to post some code alongside
> with your question.

Hmm, maybe I should learn Tk + Python.  Telepathetic powers of Python
programmers are amazing.

William Park <opengeometry at>, Toronto, Canada
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