Creating anonymous functions using eval

Robert Kern rkern at
Tue Jul 12 16:23:41 EDT 2005

Devan L wrote:
> Well, the string that gets passed is more or less a function
> definition, which is then called with exec. I don't see why you'd need
> to write a string out with the function definition and then call it.
> You could just write the function.
> As for the nested functions, I had been presuming that it was intended
> to use as a better function than lambda within a function. Sorry for
> the confusion.

You missed Steven's point which is to quote the message to which you are 
replying. Not everyone is reading this list in a conveniently threaded 
form, so you need to provide some context for them to be able to follow 

Robert Kern
rkern at

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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