Why anonymity? [was Re: map/filter/reduce/lambda opinions and background unscientific mini-survey]

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Thu Jul 7 05:36:24 EDT 2005

Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> This is something I've never understood. Why is it bad 
> form to assign an "anonymous function" (an object) to a 
> name?

Because it obfuscates your code for no benefit. You should avoid making it 
hard for others to read your code (and 'others' includes yourself in the 

Also, it obfuscates tracebacks: all lambda expressions will identify in 
tracebacks as <lambda>, but if you define a function you can give it a 
meaningful name.

> Why is it considered abuse of lambda to assign the 
> functions to a name? Is it an abuse of lambda to do this?
> D = {"one": lambda noun: noun,
>      "two": lambda noun: noun + 's',
>      "many": lambda noun: 'lots of ' + noun + 's' }
> assert D["two"]("python") == "pythons"
No, that is approaching a reasonable use of lambda, however I would still 
be inclined to write it with functions. e.g.

   def one(noun):
       return noun

   def two(noun):
       return noun+'s'

   def many(noun):
       return 'lots of %ss' % (noun,)

   D = dict(one=one, two=two, many=many)

although in this particular case I would probably just put format strings 
in the dictionary:

  def D(style, noun):
     formats = dict(one="%s", two="%ss", many="lots of %ss")
     return formats.get(style, "an indeterminate number of %ss") % (noun,)

  assert D("two","python") == "pythons"

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