Tkinter grid layout

Christopher Subich spam.csubich+block at
Thu Jul 7 21:32:53 EDT 2005

Eric Brunel wrote:

> So you should either make your MainWindow class inherit from Tk, which 
> eliminates the unneeded container and the problems it may cause, or make 
> sure the pack or grid on your MainWindow instance actually tells the 
> container to grow with its container. With pack, it's quite easy: just 
> do myWindow.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1). With grid, it's a bit more 
> complicated, since you will have to configure the grid on the container.

To expand on this, the grid-method uses a few calls that aren't 
immediately obvious.  Specifically, the containing object must have row 
and columnconfigure called on them:

 >>> r = Tk()
 >>> g = Text(r)
 >>> h = Entry(r)
 >>> g.grid(row=1,sticky=N+S+E+W)
 >>> h.grid(row=2,sticky=E+W)
 >>> r.columnconfigure(0,weight=1)
 >>> r.rowconfigure(1,weight=1)
 >>> r.mainloop()

This creats a window containing a text widget above an entry widget. 
Both will resize horizontally to fill the entire window, and the text 
widget will resize vertically.

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