Ten Essential Development Practices

matt.schinckel at gmail.com matt.schinckel at gmail.com
Sat Jul 30 06:34:10 EDT 2005

Dark Cowherd wrote:
>> GUI, Web development, Application Framework - it is shambles.

>Yeah, I agree. When I finally make that GUI application I still don't
>know whether I am going to use wx or PyGTK.

I was part of the anygui development team, back when it was still
active (I think I technically am still part of the team, we just
haven't checked in any new code since I left BeOS!).

It was a plan to allow GUI access to be as simple and 'once' as anydb
does for accessing the database systems it does.

We failed.  Although we did actually have some code that was working
really well, across several platforms and GUI systems.

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