Building Python with Tcl/Tk on Cygwin_NT-5.1

Dean N. Williams williams13 at
Mon Jul 25 08:55:39 EDT 2005


>>Is there anyway for me to get back to an older version of Cygwin?
>What do you mean by the above?  An older Cygwin?  An older Cygwin
>Python?  An older rebase?
I  installed Cygwin back in February on my laptop. (Call this Cygwin A.) 
I have not updated it (i.e., Cygwin A) since getting Python to run. Last 
week, I obtained another laptop, which I installed Cygwin (from the 
Internet) on last Thursday. (Call this Cygwin B.)

Cygwin Versions:
        Cygwin A = the February 2005,  version
        Cygwin B  = Thursday's, July 21, 2005 version

Last Friday, I built Python2.4 on Cygwin A with no errors. (The 
socketmodule worked and I can import socket.) I also built Python2.4 on 
newer version of Cygwin (i.e., Cygwin B), but the socketmodule doesn't 
work. I get an error message when importing socket. The Python2.4 is the 
same for both. The only difference is in the Cygwin version. That is, 
the version I installed from the internet in February and the version I 
installed last Thursday.

When installing from the internet, there is no way to specify which 
version (or date) of Cygwin to download. I was wondering if you kept 
version controls, so I could go back to the February version of Cygwin 
since I know the Python Socket Module works.

>>In my Python2.4 log file, I tracked it down to the file
>>Python2.4/Modules/socketmodule.c file: 3350  INET_ADDSTRLEN, which
>>says "INET_ADDSTRLEN" is undeclared. I know this has something to do
>>with the _ssl extension.
>Is the above from building Python or CDAT?
The above is building Python.

>>Also in my Python2.4 log file, I see DB_LSTAT_ERR is undeclared. Has
>>something to do with the building of the gdbm extension.
Yeap. The is from the Python build.

>>Also when I tryed "rebaseall" it no longer worked. When I went to
>>"Start/run..." and tried to run "ash", I got the error stating it
>>didn't know what "ash" was. Any help on this is appreciated.
>If Cygwin's bin is not in your Windows PATH, then give the full path to
>ash.  For example:
>    C:\Cygwin\bin\ash.exe
>Then start rebaseall is follows:
>    $ PATH=/bin rebaseall

Thanks. I will try this and see if this gets around my problem.

Thanks again for any help on this

Best regards,

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