pyo contains absolute paths

Michael Hudson mwh at
Mon Jul 11 09:22:33 EDT 2005

David Siroky <dsiroky at> writes:

> Hi!
> When I "compile" my python files with "python -OO ...." into pyo files
> then they still contain absolute paths of the source files which is
> undesirable for me. How can I deal with that?

Are you trying to save space?  In 2.4 and later each code object will
contain the same copy of the absolute path, so you can't save that
much space.

There are probably ways to make .pycs that have a path of "", if you
really want (see py_compile in the stdlib).


  I located the link but haven't bothered to re-read the article,
  preferring to post nonsense to usenet before checking my facts.
                                      -- Ben Wolfson, comp.lang.python

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