native hotshot stats module

Floris Bruynooghe fb102 at
Wed Jul 20 18:12:40 EDT 2005

As part of my Google Summer of Code project I have developed a hstats
module.  It reads a file with profile data saved by hotshot and displays
statistics of it after sorting it.  The current interface is very basic in
the philosophy of You Arent Gonna Need It[1].  So my question here is:
please test it and comment on the missing features and other problems
you'd like to see.

You can just grab the hprof/ file from CVS[2] and use it right
away. It only depends on the standard library, so just make sure you can
import it.  It is (hopefully) sufficiently documented in the docstrings.

>From my experience with pystones it is 35% faster in loading the hotshot
data then the hotshot.stats.load() method.  So there is actually some
motivation to use this module.

I'm eager to hear your comments.



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