How can I import a py script by its absolute path name?

Edvard Majakari edvard+news at
Thu Jul 14 07:52:31 EDT 2005

could ildg < at> writes:

> I want to import c:\xxx\yyy\ into my programme,
> What should I do?
> Thank you~

import sys
import zzz

(Untested, similar idiom would work in *nix systems, never programmed in

However, I guess it is not very usual you should need to import stuff from
arbitrary locations. Consider publishing those modules in normal Python
include path (just see what ''print sys.path'' produces)

# Edvard Majakari		Software Engineer
# PGP PUBLIC KEY available    	Soli Deo Gloria!

$_ = '456476617264204d616a616b6172692c20612043687269737469616e20'; print
join('',map{chr hex}(split/(\w{2})/)),uc substr(crypt(60281449,'es'),2,4),"\n";

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