python3: accessing the result of 'if'

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at
Sun Jan 9 00:17:17 EST 2005

Carl Banks wrote:
> What if the condition you wanted to test wasn't the same as the thing
> you want to save?  In other words, how would you convert this?
> . where:
> .     m = something()
> . if m > 20:
> .     do_something_with(m)

Yeah, this problem eventually occurred to me as well. However, I think a little 
utility function can help solve it:

   def test(val, condition):
     if condition(val):
       return val
       return None

   if test(something(), lambda x: x < 10) as m:
     print "Case 1:", m
   elif test(something(), lambda x: x > 20) as m:
     print "Case 2:", m
     print "No case at all!"

If we were to use a where clause instead, it looks like:

   if test(something(), less_than(10)) as m:
     print "Case 1:", m
   elif test(something(), more_than(20)) as m:
     print "Case 2:", m
     print "No case at all!"
     def less_than(y):
       def lt(x):
         return x < y
       return lt

     def more_than(y):
       def gt(x):
         return x > y
       return lt

This is an example of why I don't think where clauses would completely eliminate 
the utility of deferred expressions. Here's a version using my preferred syntax 
from the AlternateLambdaSyntax page:

   if test(something(), (def x < 10 from x)) as m:
     print "Case 1:", m
   elif test(something(), (def x > 20 from x)) as m:
     print "Case 2:", m
     print "No case at all!"


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

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