Python! Is! Truly! Amazing!

Christopher Koppler klapotec at
Mon Jan 3 07:43:52 EST 2005

On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 13:05:48 +0200, Ville Vainio wrote:

>>>>>> "jfj" == jfj  <jfj at> writes:
>     jfj> There were functional and non-functional programming
>     jfj> languages (the first being *much* simpler to
>     jfj> implement). There is a *reason* people chose C over
>     jfj> lisp. It's not that we were all blind and didn't see the
>     jfj> amazingness of lisp. Procedural languages are simply better,
>     jfj> and I'm not replying to this flamewar.
> You did already ;). Lisp is not a functional programming language, if
> that was the case it would be even less popular than it is now. Lisp
> had it's heyday, while pure FP languages didn't even have that much.
> Hey, it's 2005, I don't think we've used up our yearly Lisp flamewar
> quota yet.

Lisp will strike back! Someday, it will be popular again! When all else is
dust, Lisp will rule the skies!

In the meantime, let's do Python.


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