Port blocking

Ed Leafe ed at leafe.com
Mon Jan 10 20:29:19 EST 2005

On Jan 10, 2005, at 8:00 PM, Steve Holden wrote:

>> Ah yes, but is there really? For example, I did a search of the TOC 
>> of GTK+ Reference Manual:
>> http://developer.gnome.org/doc/API/2.0/gtk/index.html
>> for the word "data", and there's apparently no widget which is 
>> explicitly tied to databases. So in GTKs case, for instance, it looks 
>> like one has to roll one's own solution, rather than just using one 
>> out of the box.
> There isn't, IMHO, anything with the polish of (say) Microsoft Access, 
> or even Microsoft SQL Server's less brilliant interfaces. Some things 
> Microsoft *can* do well, it's a shame they didn't just stick to the 
> knitting.

	<shameless plug>Though it's certainly not anywhere near the polish of 
Access, you should check out Dabo. It's designed from the ground up to 
be a database application framework, and is on its way to achieving 
that goal. Right now you still have to do all the UI stuff in code, but 
we're just starting to develop the visual UI Designer. Stay 
tuned!</shameless plug>

  Ed Leafe

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