Notification of PEP Updates

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at
Fri Jan 7 12:28:34 EST 2005

I can't recall which thread this came up in, so I'm starting a new one. . .

Barry Warsaw has kindly added a "peps" topic to the python-checkins mailing 
list. If you want to be notified only when PEP's get updated, then subscribe to 
python-checkins and edit your settings to select just the 'peps' topic.

Let us know if it does anything odd (e.g. sending updates about other checkins)

The URL for the mailing list is:

I believe the mail you receive should contain the checkin messages, along with a 
summary of the differences between the old version and the new version (handy if 
you can read a context diff, not so handy otherwise).


Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at   |   Brisbane, Australia

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