Octal notation: severe deprecation

Leif K-Brooks eurleif at ecritters.biz
Thu Jan 13 16:50:56 EST 2005

Tim Roberts wrote:
> Stephen Thorne <stephen.thorne at gmail.com> wrote:
>>I would actually like to see pychecker pick up conceptual errors like this:
>>import datetime
>>datetime.datetime(2005, 04,04)
> Why is that a conceptual error?  Syntactically, this could be a valid call
> to a function.  Even if you have parsed and executed datetime, so that you
> know datetime.datetime is a class, it's quite possible that the creation
> and destruction of an object might have useful side effects.

I'm guessing that Stephen is saying that PyChecker should have special 
knowledge of the datetime module and of the fact that dates are often 
specified with a leading zero, and therefor complain that they shouldn't 
be used that way in Python source code.

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