Batista, Facundo FBatista at
Tue Jan 25 16:12:22 EST 2005

[Daniel Bowett]

#- The problem I have is that it takes just over two minuted to 
#- execute the 
#- 3000 insert statements which seems really slow! I am running it on a 
#- machine with a 1.5 Ghz Pentium M Processor and Gig Of Ram. I 
#- dont think 
#- the machine is to blame for the speed because during execution the 
#- processor sits at about 10% and there is loads of free RAM.
#- Does anyone know if this sort of speed sounds right?

Well, I made the following code.

mod_mysql is mine, but is just a wrapper around the standard module. Here I
only use the .accion() method of the Consulta object, that let me send an
action (query, insert, etc) to the database.

So I generate a temporary table of four fields, and prepared a list of 3000
entries, each one is a tuple of four elements: ten characters choosed


import random, string, time
import mod_mysql

bdd = mod_mysql.Consulta("pytonisa", "fbatista", "password", "otainfo")

bdd.accion("create temporary table tmp.prueba (c1 char(10), c2 char(10), c3
char(10), c4 char(10));")

r = random.Random()
let = string.letters + string.digits
fuente = [tuple([''.join(r.sample(let, 10)) for j in range(4)]) for x in

t = time.time()
for reg in fuente:
    bdd.accion('insert into tmp.prueba values ("%s", "%s", "%s", "%s");' %
print time.time() - t


I only measure the time of the inserts. It took 0.269818067551 seconds.

I'm using a Pentium 4 2.8 GHz, 256 MB of RAM, with Fedora Core 2, kernel
2.4.22, python 2.3.3 (GCC 3.3.2), and MySQL 4.0.18.


.    Facundo

Bitácora De Vuelo:
PyAr - Python Argentina:

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