PyChecker messages

Roger Binns rogerb at
Tue Jan 11 02:28:42 EST 2005

> Function (main) has too many lines (201)
> What does this mean? Cannot functions be large? Or is it simply an advice that
> functions should be small and simple?

It is advice.

> Function (detectMimeType) has too many returns (11)
> The function is simply a long "else-if" clause, branching out to different
> return statements. What's wrong? It's simply a "probably ugly code" advice?

That is also advice.  Generally you use a dict of functions, or some other
structure to lookup what you want to do.

> _must_ take two arguments; is there any way that I can make 'frame' go away?

Yes, you can name it just _  (underscore).  There are a few other names like
that that are ignored.  (Check the doc).

> Also, another newbie question: How does one make a string stretch over several
> lines in the source code? Is this the proper way?
> print "asda asda asda asda asda asda " \
> "asda asda asda asda asda asda " \
> "asda asda asda asda asda asda"

Depends what you are trying to achieve.  Look at triple quoting as well.


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