Python Operating System???

Arich Chanachai macrocosm at
Sun Jan 9 23:13:04 EST 2005

Paul Rubin wrote:

>"Roose" <b at b.b> writes:
> ...
>>Upon reading back in the thread I see that you mean compiled Lisp,
>>no?  I was thinking that there would be a Lisp interpreter in a
>>kernel, which afaik doesn't exist.
>Yes, compiled Lisp.  There are Python compilers too.\
???  You mean like Pyrex or some such?  I wouldn't exactly call these 
"Python" compilers, as that kind of obscures some underlying (critical) 

>>In any case, as I said before I don't think it is impossible, just a
>>poor engineering decision and I don't see the rationale behind it.
>I don't see a convincing case against writing an OS even in
>interpreted Python, though of course I'd want it to be compiled if
>What do you think OS's do, that Python wouldn't be suitable for?  Your
>examples of task switching and virtual memory are unconvincing.  Those
>just require setting up some suitable tables and then calling a
>low-level routine to poke some CPU registers.  File systems can be
>more performance intensive, but again, in those, much of the cpu drain
>can be relegated to low-level routines and the complexity can be
>handled in Python.

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