- E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

Duncan Booth duncan.booth at invalid.invalid
Tue Feb 15 04:23:58 EST 2005

Ilias Lazaridis wrote:

>> "In accordance with section 10 of the GPL, Red Hat, Inc. permits
>> programs whose sources are distributed under a license that complies
>> with the Open Source definition to be linked with libcygwin.a without
>> libcygwin.a itself causing the resulting program to be covered by the
>> GNU GPL." 
> If I understand this right, I cannot produce commercial software with 
> the cygwin toolset.

Contrariwise. You can produce commercial software, and it doesn't have to 
be GPL licensed. However if you want to distribute it (and much, possibly  
most, commercial software is never distributed) you have to choose between 
making it open-source, or buying a commercial license for cygwin. You do 
realise that you can produce open-source software commercially?

If you want to make your program closed source then to distribute it you 
have to pay for the cygwin license, which all seems pretty fair to me. You 
have a problem with that?

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