Unit testing - one test class/method, or test class/class

Edvard Majakari edvard+news at majakari.net
Fri Feb 25 14:27:29 EST 2005

aurora <aurora00 at gmail.com> writes:

> What I really want to bring up is your might want to look at refactoring
> your module in the first place. 348 test cases for one module sounds like a
> large number. That reflects you have a fairly complex module to be  tested
> to start with. Often the biggest benefit of doing automated unit testing is
> it forces the developers to modularize and decouple their code  in order to
> make it testable. This action alone improve that code quality  a lot. If
> breaking up the module make sense in your case, the test  structure will
> follows.

Here I have to emphasize a little: of those 348 test cases, only ~30 or so
are real, hand-coded methods. Some of the tests are generated on the fly by
py.test. It is not as fancy as it sounds, though. All it does is


     for foo, bar, expected in known_values:
         yield self.foo_bar_equals, foo, bar, expected

def foo_bar_equals(self, foo, bar, expected):
     assert some_feature(foo, bar) == expected

There are two methods. However, if known_values contains 100 tuples, 
py.test generates 100 "test methods" on the fly. Of course you could just do


     for foo, bar, expected in known_values:
         assert some_feature(foo, bar) == expected

but then you wouldn't see so easily which values are tested when you use
verbose mode, that is. That's one of the (many) nice things in py.test I
like :)

However, being practical in testing is probably more worth than being
completely orthodox, on that I agree. That's why I seldom stick to strict
rules in doing tests, though being systematic helps alot, especially
regarding orthogonality. It doesn't help to test same features over and
over again. Eg. if I wrote a test for a dot in 2D space, I'd write tests for
dot on origo, on positive x-axis with y < 0 and y > 0, ditto for x and y
reversed, then same tests for negative x and y, and last for positive and
negative x and y with other being exactly zero. There's no point testing
other values; all other combinations fall to some of the categories

# Edvard Majakari		Software Engineer
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