Style guide for subclassing built-in types?

Jane Austine janeaustine50 at
Tue Feb 22 21:46:02 EST 2005

Please see the following code:
class rev_wrap(object):
    def __init__(self,l):
    def __getitem__(self,i):
        return self.l[-i-1]

class rev_subclass(list):
    def __getitem__(self,i):
        return list.__getitem__(self,-i-1)
if __name__=='__main__':
    assert l[0]==3
    assert list(l)==[3,2,1]
    assert l[0]==3
    assert list(l)==[3,2,1]
I know there is "reversed" and "reverse" but that's not the point. The
code fails at the last line.

Now that UserList is deprecated(not recommended) I suppose subclassing
built-in types are preferable than wrapping them. How do I properly
change the behaviours of built-in types? I think I have to override
__iter__ and next to pass the last line. Is it a good style? If so,
what is the most recommended way of implementing them?

Thank you in advance.


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