Confused with methods

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Mon Feb 7 09:24:10 EST 2005

Diez B. Roggisch <deetsNOSPAM at> wrote:
> > If there a good reason that the __get__ of a boundmethod does not
> > create a new boundmethod wrapper over the first boundmethod?
> I already gave you the good reason:

Hmmm, not sure the code below is ``a good reason'' to avoid changing the
__get__ behavior of boundmethods come Python 3.0 time.  Assume all
classes are newstyle (they'll be, in 3.0), not that it matters here (I

> class A:
>    def callback(self, arg):
>        print self, arg
> def callback(arg):
>     print arg
> class DoSomethingWithCallback:
>     def __init__(self, cb):
>         self.cb = cb

Here we're setting an INSTANCE attribute,

>     def run(self):
>         for i in xrange(100):
>              self.cb(i)

...and here we're fetching it back.  So, it doesn't matter if the cb
argument is a descriptor of whatever variant -- it must be callable, and
that's all we ask of it.  IOW, cb.__get__ -- whether it exists at all,
and what it does -- just doesn't *matter*; cb.__call__ is all that does

> u = DoSomethingWithCallback(A().callback)
> v = DoSomethingWithCallback(callback)
> # would crash if your suggestion worked

I don't think there would be any crash, because the idea is about
changing some __get__ behavior, NOT any __call__ behavior, and no
__get__ is involved in this example.

If strong use cases exist for a boundmethod's __get__ keeping its
current behavior (apart from the obvious backwards compatibility issues
which mean that any change will have to wait for 3.0), I don't think
this can be one.
> Bound methods aren't a general purpose currying scheme - they exist sorely
> for the OO-style implicit first argument. That they exist at all is a great
> difference to e.g. C++, where you can't pass callbacks around that are
> instance methods. 

This is historically true.  However, this historical fact is not
necessarily a reason for keeping the current lower-power behavior of
boundmethods, when 3.0 allows breaking backwards compatibility.

> If you are after currying - look at the cookbook, there are recipes for
> that.

Sure, I wrote some of them;-).  But since we're talking about future
prospects, I think the PEP on partial application is more relevant than
the current pure-Python workarounds.  They _are_ workarounds, btw --
partial application, aka currying, is an important general idea; it can
be implemented in Python, but it's not directly part of it.  The PEP's
idea is to have that concept directly implemented.

Actually, I believe that if you call new.instancemethod you CAN already
get that effect -- let's see...:

>>> import new
>>> curry = new.instancemethod
>>> def f(a, b, c): print a, b, c
>>> x = curry(curry(f, 23, object), 45, object)
>>> x(67)
23 45 67

Yep -- just fine (in __call__ terms).  Not so in __get__ terms:

>>> class X(object): pass
>>> X.zap = x
>>> y = X()
>>> y.zap()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
TypeError: f() takes exactly 3 arguments (2 given)

So, for generic currying (in the original sense: prebinding the FIRST
argument of any callable), new.instancemethod is OK (even though you
have to pass a third argument of 'object', no big deal), and you can
call it repeatedly.  We're only missing a descriptor with a __get__ that
does this appropriately when you set such a ``curried'' callable as a
class attribute.

I'm not sure if the best approach is to change boundmethods' own
__get__, or to have another descriptor for the purpose:

>>> class binder(object):
...   def __init__(self, callable): self.callable = callable
...   def __get__(self, obj, cls): return curry(self.callable, obj, cls)
>>> X.zap = binder(x)
>>> y.zap()
23 45 <__main__.X object at 0x402dfa8c>

This ``binder'' approach would have the advantage of allowing ANY
callable whatsoever, e.g.:

>>> X.__divmod__ = lambda self, other: (self, other)
>>> divmod(y, 23)
(<__main__.X object at 0x402dfa8c>, 23)
>>> = binder(divmod)
(<__main__.X object at 0x402dfa8c>, 23)

Of course, a custom metaclass could easily wrap 'binder' around any
class attributes which are callable but aren't descriptors, to get the
same effect more transparently.  Hmmmm -- the tradeoffs aren't clear to
me at this time.  That's exactly what the PEP process is for... ensure
that any tradeoffs ARE discussed in depth before any change is made.


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