probably weird or stupid newbie dictionary question

Nick Craig-Wood nick at
Thu Feb 10 05:30:02 EST 2005

Diez B. Roggisch <deetsNOSPAM at> wrote:
>  But what happens in case of a hash code clash? Then a list of (key, values)
>  is stored, and for a passed key, each key in that list is additionally
>  compared for being equal to the passed one. So another requirement of
>  hashable objecst is the comparability. In java, this is done using the
>  equals method.
>  So in the end, the actual mapping of key, value looks like this:
>  hash(key) -> [(key, value), ....]

Thats called hashing with chaining.

See Knuth: Sorting and Searching if you want to know more!

Nick Craig-Wood <nick at> --

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