Hey, How Do I Distribute my New Completed Python Project?

Swaroop C H swaroop at swaroopch.info
Mon Feb 28 06:17:00 EST 2005

steven at lczmsoft.com wrote:
> I'v just completed a small python project, which includes a main py
> file and a couple of classes in seperated py files.  I can run it under
> the development directory, but how to distribute them?  Is there any
> good practice here?

"Distributing Python Modules"

" This document describes the Python Distribution Utilities
('Distutils') from the module developer's point of view, describing how
to use the Distutils to make Python modules and extensions easily
available to a wider audience with very little overhead for
build/release/install mechanics."

Swaroop C H
Blog: http://www.swaroopch.info
Book: http://www.byteofpython.info

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