MatPlotLib.MatLab troubles (how to install/run matplotlib.PyLab?)

John Hunter jdhunter at
Wed Feb 23 11:32:13 EST 2005

>>>>> "Colombes" == Colombes  <DrColombes at> writes:

    Colombes>    Now I only need to figure out how to install the
    Colombes> correct "Numeric" module(s).  I'm making progress,
    Colombes> almost have my home laptop fully capable with the
    Colombes> MatLab-like (PyLab) graphs, plots.

You can get either Numeric or numarray from  matplotlib works transparently
with either (and provides a unified interface to both), but if you
choose numarray you need to change the "numerix" variable to numarray
in your matplotlib configuration file, which is described at

Good luck!

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