wxPython OGL future

PD albaalu at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 19:48:21 EST 2005

Hi Everyone,

I am sort of a new developer to python and working in an academic
environment. I climbed the learning curve on wxPython far enough to get
the functionality I want out of it so far... Now Im in need of a
diagramming library (something visio-like) to use for my software and
the only option I have seen is OGL. Yet I read that OGL is dead, no
longer maintained, obsucure and lacking documentation. Instead of
taking a leap of faith and walking off a cliff, Ide appreciate if some
people out there who have come across a similar problem have any
solutions or suggestions for me...

I am so disappointed at the moment I think Im about ready to throw in
the towel and crawl back to java. I love python, but it has some real
difficulties when it comes to making library choices on what _to_ and
_not to_ get yourself into.

I appreciate your guidance,

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