- E02 - Support for MinGW Open Source Compiler

Stephen Kellett snail at objmedia.demon.co.uk
Mon Feb 14 16:01:18 EST 2005

In message <mailman.2567.1108413263.22381.python-list at python.org>, Tony 
Meyer <t-meyer at ihug.co.nz> writes
>There are also other conditions, to do with what you are redistributing it
>with (it can't be alone), and including a particular type of license with
>your redistribution.  (It appears that Python 2.4 doesn't correctly follow
>this at the moment, IIRC).

Lots of points from Tony stating a different point of view. I'll assume 
you are correct. However, surely if you Python 2.4 installed they'll 
have this DLL anyway, so the point is moot, unless of course, Python 2.4 
is in breach as well.
Stephen Kellett
Object Media Limited    http://www.objmedia.demon.co.uk
RSI Information:        http://www.objmedia.demon.co.uk/rsi.html

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