Problem using/installing numarray

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Thu Feb 17 02:53:22 EST 2005

<maxwell at> wrote:

>   ImportError: No module named _conv
> The file _conf.pyd exists, but my guess is that the .pyd suffix is not
> recognized under the CygWin version of Python.  (But that doesn't make
> sense...)

you can use imp.get_suffixes() to get a list of supported extensions.
here's the output from a stock stock interpreter on WinXP:

>>> import imp
>>> imp.get_suffixes()
[('.pyd', 'rb', 3), ('.dll', 'rb', 3), ('.py', 'U', 1), ('.pyw', 'U', 1), ('.pyc', 'rb', 2)]


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