Big development in the GUI realm

Kartic kartic.krishnamurthy at
Mon Feb 7 17:27:50 EST 2005

Is there a "GPL for Dummies" out there??? :-)

Sorry if I am asking a question that has already been asked/answered in
another form.

In any case, let's say I use Python to create an application that uses
some module that is GPL. So what are my options?
1. Distribute my app as closed source but with source, available upon
request and clearly stated so in my license, for the GPL'ed module. But
the code to my app only is not available as it is closed source.
2. Distribute my app with the source code available upon request, along
with the code of any other GPL'ed modules that my app uses.

I don't know if any other option is possible. Do my stated options
cover the possibilities and if so, which of these are the correct legal
one that I would follow?


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