Trouble with the encoding of os.getcwd() in Korean Windows

Erik Bethke erikbethke at
Wed Feb 9 08:17:56 EST 2005

Hello All,

Well as usual, after I post I keep on digging and I found the answer...

Has the encodings for Chinese, Korean and Japanese... and I took the
hint that I found from the foundationstore and tried cp949 and wa-la!
it works...

Now, the question remains, how do I write windows python code that will
work on all flavors of windows languages?  The wxPython demo works,
because I have installed it on a path on my machine that does not have
Hangul in the path.  But if I distribute something to end users, they
most certainly have Hangul in their path, or Japanese or Chinese, or
some other encoding... so how do you get the correct encoding from the


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