"Best" way to SIGHUP spamd from web page?

Robert Brewer fumanchu at amor.org
Thu Feb 17 03:43:47 EST 2005

I'd like to be able to restart spamd (the SpamAssassin daemon) from a
web page, so that it will reload its system config files. Currently, I'm
only worried about Debian; my SA is from the testing (Sarge) distro, and
I'm running Apache 1.3. I don't have any other signals to send, or
commands, and no dynamic values other than the pid (which I can read
just fine from /var/run/spamd.pid).

Basically, there are half-a-dozen different ways to get this to happen,
but all of them spend 3/4 of their documentation saying "DON'T EVER DO
THIS". I'm just wondering if anyone has recommendations for whose advice
to ignore first. ;) Detailed explanations of your choice would be much
appreciated, of course.

Robert Brewer
Amor Ministries
fumanchu at amor.org

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