duplicate docstrings

Felix Wiemann Felix.Wiemann at gmx.net
Sat Feb 19 08:04:13 EST 2005

Steven Bethard wrote:

> class C(object):
>      def foo(self):
>          """Foo things"""
>          ...
> class D(object):
>      def foo(self):
>          """Foo things"""
>          ...
> It bothers me that I'm basically writing the same docstrings multiple
> times.  I guess what I really want to do is just write the docstrings
> for the interface I'm describing, and only supply docstrings in the
> classes when they need to differ from the interface docstrings.
> Is there a good way to do this?  If it's necessary, I can have C and D
> inherit from another class...

Use a common interface type and a metaclass which copies method
docstrings from base classes:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import inspect

class DocstringMetaclass(type):
    """Copy method docstrings."""
    def __init__(cls, *args):
        super(DocstringMetaclass, cls).__init__(*args)
        for name, method in cls.__dict__.iteritems():
            # method is a function, not a method, so we use isfunction().
            if not inspect.isfunction(method) or method.__doc__ is not None:
            for c in cls.mro():
                if hasattr(c, name):
                    m = getattr(c, name)
                    if inspect.ismethod(m) and m.__doc__ is not None:
                        method.__doc__ = m.__doc__

class Interface(object):

    __metaclass__ = DocstringMetaclass

    def foo(self):
        """Foo things"""

    def bar(self):
        """Bar things"""

    def baz(self):
        """Baz things in a C manner"""

class Implementation(Interface):

    def foo(self):

    def bar(self):

    def baz(self):

print Implementation.foo.__doc__
print Implementation.bar.__doc__
print Implementation.baz.__doc__


Foo things
Bar things
Baz things in a C manner

Felix Wiemann -- http://www.ososo.de/

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