goto, cls, wait commands

Fouff fouff at
Thu Feb 10 11:09:42 EST 2005

BOOGIEMAN a écrit :
> I've just finished reading Python turtorial for non-programmers
> and I haven't found there anything about some usefull commands I used in
> QBasic. First of all, what's Python command equivalent to QBasic's "goto" ?
I had a professor that told me that using goto in prog is that there is 
a mistake in the algorythm.
If I remember, I think there is no goto instruction in python !

> Secondly, how do I clear screen (cls) from text and other content ?
I don't understand well what you exactly want to do. Can you explain 
more please.

> And last, how do I put program to wait certain amount of seconds ?
> If I remeber correctly I used to type "Wait 10" and QBasic waits 
> 10 seconds before proceeding to next command.
import time

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