Newbie: SWIG or SIP?

Larry Bates lbates at
Wed Feb 9 15:55:56 EST 2005

You can call the .DLL file by using a solution
I wrote (and donated) some time ago.  It is located here:

You will need calldll.pyd available here:

I've used this solution a LOT and it has worked with .DLLs
from many different manufacturers.  Tricky part is having a
full definition of API to dll (e.g. argument types) and using
struct module to communicate between Python and the .DLL.

Larry Bates

Brent W. Hughes wrote:
> I have a third-party DLL and it's associated .h file.  The DLL was written 
> in C.  I have neither the associated .c files nor the .obj files for the 
> DLL.  Can I use SWIG or SIP to build something that will allow me to use the 
> DLL with Python?  And what is that something, an .obj file, another DLL or 
> what?
> Brent

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