Why Tk treat F10, F11, F12 diferently from F1...F9?

Jeff Epler jepler at unpythonic.net
Sat Feb 12 20:44:25 EST 2005

The reason that F10 does nothing is because there is already a binding
on all for <F10>.  In Motif apps, F10 moves focus to the menu bar, like
pressing and releasing Alt does on Windows.  When there is a binding for
a key, the handling of the event "event add" never takes place.

If you want to get rid of this binding, you would do it with something
    w.bind_all("<F10>", "")
for some widget w.

I don't know why you see the "L1" and "L2" keysyms.  I don't on my
system (Fedora Core 2)

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