Building Python with Tcl/Tk on Cygwin_NT-5.1

Dean N. Williams williams13 at
Mon Feb 28 13:34:20 EST 2005

Hi Jason,

    I have a other Cygwin port question. It turns out that the 
auto-import for XtStrings an widgetClass didn't get resolved. This a 
similar auto-import resolving error that I got when trying to build 
Tcl/Tk. I ended up using the shared Tcl/Tk that came with Cygwin. But in 
this case I must be able to build my software. Can you tell me how to 
get around this problem? Or can you tell me which cygwin mail list to 
send my plea for help?

Thanks and best regards,

gcc -shared -Wl,--enable-auto-image-base  -o gplot gplot.o cgm.o ccgm.o 
utils.o io.o carray.o devices.o hload.o emul.o tty.o ps.o cgmc.o 
xws_cla.o xws_color.o xws_delim.o xws_marker.o xws_polygon.o 
xws_polyline.o xws_setup.o xws_text.o drvcla.o    -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXp 
-lXpm -lXaw -lXmu -lXext -lXt -lX11     /usr/lib/libm.a -lc
Info: resolving _XtStrings by linking to __imp__XtStrings (auto-import)
Info: resolving _widgetClass by linking to __imp__widgetClass (auto-import)

P.S. "Platform Windows XP/Cygwin 1.5.1."

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