Python and version control

Caleb Hattingh caleb1 at
Wed Feb 9 23:58:45 EST 2005


> What is the ultimate version control tool for Python if you are working  
> in a
> Windows environment?

We use JEDI VCS (open source, free).  To be fair, JEDI VCS actually  
integrates into the Delphi IDE, which is what we use mostly.  However, the  
standard installation also installs a standalone client (as opposed to the  
IDE client) that you can use for anything.  Actually, we use the  
standalone client for latex documentation, so I know it works well for  
non-Delphi stuff.

The JEDI VCS server download (now) contains an embedded firebird database,  
which makes setting up the whole server thing a total breeze.  I just did  
it a few days ago, took all of 2 minutes to set up the server and start  
the service (and send a mail out to everyone asking them to install the  
new client).  Firebird is based on Interbase, if that means anything to  

You get full access controls (check-in/check-out), version history,  
rollbacks, milestones, integrated diff, check-in requests, per-file  
check-in/check-out comments, automated database backup, and so on.  I  
cannot recommend it highly enough actually :)  Though we use it all the  
time, we hardly think about it much, which is a really great feature for  
this type of thing.

Of course, I have only used JEDI VCS, so I have nothing to compare it to:  

keep well

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